Although each kind of arthritis symptoms is handled a bit differently, they share some common treatments such as rest, exercise, eating a healthy, well-balanced diet, and learning the right way to use and protect the joints are helpful for all types of arthritis.
Wearing right shoes and using a cane helps with pain in the feet, knees, and hips when walking. There are various gadgets to help open jars and bottles, or to turn door knobs more easily.
Be sure to ask and work with your doctor to get the medicines that will work best for you and your arthritis pain. Several common types are listed on the handout.
Aim to eat 7 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, three servings of whole grains, three servings of low-fat milk products, and lean protein from meat poultry, or fish. Fish a few times a week will provide an important nutrient called “n-3 fats” or “omega-3 fats.” These are important for everyone for reducing Arthritis Symptoms
The research is not yet clear on the benefits of fish oil supplements, glucosamine, or chondroitin sulphate for joint health. So work closely with your doctor to see if any of these might help you and be sure to tell your doctor of any side-effects you may experience from these supplements. If you do decide to buy supplements, then be sure to purchase them from a local pharmacy or grocery store that you trust.
If you have Osteoarthritis or Gout Low-fat milk products also are important. Milk is our best source of calcium and vitamin D, which are nutrients that work to keep our bones strong & Relief arthritis pain. Low-fat milk, yogurt, and reduced- or low-fat cheeses all add to our goal of three milk products daily. Smoothies and cottage cheese on crackers, and yogurt are healthy choices from the milk group. To increase your intake of omega-3 fats, which might be beneficial for arthritis, you can substitute a fish such as salmon for the chicken in this menu.
With Gout Yogurt also makes a great accompaniment to our healthy recipe listed in the breakfast menu. This peach crumble is easy to make and satisfies a sweet tooth. Serve it warm with yogurt and you’ve got a fruit and low-fat milk serving to start your day off right. If a recipe is provided for participants to try, then be sure to tell participants what is in the recipe, in case anyone is allergic to any of the ingredients.
Along with healthy eating, we also discussed how physical activity can help to keep joints feeling good, especially for those with arthritis symptom.
miércoles, 30 de enero de 2008
Treatments For Arthritis - Osteoarthritis - Gout
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SEO Consultant